
8 ridiculously simple ways to make customers fall in love with your beautiful website

beautiful website

Your business website can be a great marketing tool, only if designed properly. It can either generate quality leads consistently, or sit idle without adding any value to your business. If it has the right design elements, navigation, content, and layout, your customers will love your website and will continue to visit, generating repeat business for you. Website design is a creative process and is more of an art than science. But there are some principles that are followed by every experienced website designer to ensure that it is visually appealing and generates interest for products or services being promoted on it. So turn your website into a masterpiece with these 8 simple tips:

beautiful website

1. Set SMART goals for your website

Develop smart, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound goals for your website by considering your type of business and its planned growth strategy. A few nice ones a web designer wants to hear: increase conversion rates, increase sales, generate more leads, reduce overhead, improve click-through rates, and improve brand awareness.


2. Use large concise headlines on your website

Many studies have proven that headlines are consistently the most viewed items on a web page, even over images. So use them wisely.

Bold, concise headlines attract eyeballs because users want to see if it has the relevant information that they are looking for.


3. Use plenty of white space on your website

White space is incredibly important for reading comprehension and creating contrast with your other web page elements.

Make sure your typography is well spaced and easy to read (preferred font size is 14) so that customers can easily read and digest your website content.


4. Make sure your website loads quickly

Only a few seconds of delay can turn away visitors and cost you some valuable customers.

Therefore, by including only the essential website elements (as discussed above), using caching and paying for premium, high-quality hosting, you can ensure that page loads aren’t slowing down your earning potential.


5. Ensure a mobile-responsive website

More than 60% of website traffic is from mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. Test your website on mobile devices to ensure it displays properly and takes little time to load. For testing, you can open your website on your smartphone or open your website at to see how your website will look on different screen sizes.


6. Write clear, specific Call-To-Actions

Good calls to action allow visitors to quickly decide what they want to do next. Having a big sale? Don’t just write a banner that says “50% off all products.” Write one that says “50% off all products, CLICK HERE to view them.”


7. View your website from your customers’ perspective

This is a no-brainer, but people are so focused on their products and services that they forget about the most important aspect of their business; customers. So always try to think from the customer’s point of view on why would they come to your website, what information are they looking for and how will they find it, why should they sign-up for the newsletter, etc etc.


8. Develop the website content

I believe that content writers do a very good job, but you understand your business better than anyone else. So you should write the raw content and once it is ready, you should hand it to a professional writer for review and edits.


In conclusion, these 8 simple tips will help your website look visually stunning, stand out from the crowd and attract more visitors.

If you are wondering whether your website has all the right design elements, then don’t worry. We can perform a free audit of your website and provide a detailed report with recommendations for improvement. Simply contact us at OR (416)278-0734.

Beautiful website


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